Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Vacation Exercise (in class)

  • I took the photo to capture my lovely parents on the top of this pretty Barcelona building.
  • I wanted it to look like a simple snapshot capturing the background.
  • I tried to get as much scenery in the background without neglecting my parents as the focal point.
  • I suppose that if they were to take a picture of me, it would look similar, but opposite. I would be alone and there would be plenty of interesting scenery behind me.
  • Caption: "Sofia at the top of the world"
  • My parents, if they were to capture this photo of me, would see mostly innocence and youthfulness, because I am their youngest child and this is their impression of me.
  • I think this exercise might encourage me to think more about the photo I'm taking and what I want it to convey, rather than just snapping away without a thought.
  • Another method would be to take candid shots of people; this way the photos would appear more natural rather than posed.

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